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Shropshire Careers Service

Shropshire Youth

Careers Information, Advice and Guidance is available for young people in full time education. As set out by the statutory Careers Guidance from the DFE (2018), all young people are required have access to impartial careers advice. Schools and colleges are required to ensure that they have an impartial Careers Adviser, to help support students in understanding the opportunities available to them, related to significant points in their transition phases. (Gatsby Benchmark 8).

If you are aware of any young person(s) that require support with Information, Advice & Guidance (IAG), the school or college they are attending should be contacted requesting an appointment with the in-house Careers Adviser, in order to support their needs around careers and aspirations.

If the young person in question has left full time education, you can contact Shropshire Youth for impartial and independent Careers Guidance using the below contact details.

Telephone: 01743 258850
Facebook: Shropshire Youth 

If you have special educational needs, you may also wish to view the Shropshire or Telford & Wrekin Council SEND local offer see below links for more information and advice.